No problem - we could (and did) protest against the other candidates.
Tenants also decided to make an action to demonstrate the effects of the city's housing policies. About a dozen people who have been evicted or have eviction notices decided to go down to the river and set up an "estate" for the homeless under the bridge. In the background, many investments made in the city: the Swietokrzyski Bridge, the Copernicus Science Center and the National Stadium - all costly show investments made at the same time the city attacks public housing.
Instead of watching the President of Warsaw on TV, viewers got to hear members of tenants organizations and ZSP broadcast live.

The main newspaper also covered the event, half OK, but again with the prejudices of the establishment, so no link here to that! (See our statement on Nov. 11!)
Video: (Mainstream Media in Polish):,1681474,0,,lokatorzy_otwieraja_osiedle_pod_mostem,wiadomosc.html
Also on TVP Wiadomości: