Wednesday 9 March 2011

Actions for Popular Control of Public Housing and in the Memory of Jolanta Brzeska

Today was an action called for popular control of public housing. We had announced that we do not recognize the local government and we are taking matters into our own hands. We revealed to the press that we are telling people who cannot get public housing where empty flats are that can be squatted and are helping in this process. Today was supposed to be also a public squatting action however, due to the tragic death of our colleague, Jolanta Brzeska, the atmosphere was quite different.

We spoke of Jolanta's tragedy and the deadly politics of the city. We condemned the inaction of the politicians, speculation and capitalism and reiterated our postulates. After the rally, people made their way to a meeting with public housing administrators, taking it over with harsh speeches and then declaring that there is nothing left to talk about with those people. Despite her very hard time, Jola's daughter came and made a particularly strong speech. People left and then went to Jola's house to light candles and leave a little memorial.

Photos and links to mainstream media coverage below.

Some coverage in the mainstream media can be found here:,95190,9222882,Protest_lokatorow_na_Pradze___Wszystkich_nas_nie_spalicie_.html,95190,9222882.html?i=0,576349.html,news,protest-dla-jolanty-brzeskiej-quot-to-ofiara-polityki-miasta-quot-,129211.html,artykuly,98153,1.html