Members of ZSP went leafleting at various events 19-20 June. June 19 was the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Bologna Declration. The leafleting event was meant to interest people in the Process and get exposed to an alternative point of view. Quite of number of people went to the anti-Bologna pages on the leaflets those days, so we believe that it was rather informative. Unfortunately there isn't much student activism in Warsaw but we did run into people who had read about the conference we did and knew about activities around Poland, so the word is getting out.
HI! I'm Brazilian and would like to know more about the bologna process. I'm writing about this wishing to discuss the process with my university friends, once I'm totaly against and belive this will reflect in my country as well. If you could tell me where can I find more information, I mean not from the mainstreen midia, it would be great if you help me on this. Thank you,